Expecting, Yet Not Knowing What to Expect

Recently, my wife and I found out that we are expecting our first child. With this news, we were filled with a lot of joy. At the same time, however, we had just as many questions as we did praises. For some context, my wife and I both work part-time, I have a small business where we photograph and film weddings, I am still in seminary, and we live in a one-bedroom apartment, so our biggest questions were finances and where we would be living once we have our child. This at first was somewhat overwhelming. We knew this was God’s timing yet there was still some doubt about how God would provide what we needed as there was no clear path to our next step.

Seeing God Move

If you are reading this and in a similar boat, I want you to know that God always cares for those who are His children. Jesus tells those gathered to hear the sermon on the mount in Matthew 6:30-33, “But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? Therefore do not be anxious, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’… But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” If we had to choose a family verse, this one would be it. We have seen God move and work in so many ways.

To illustrate God’s faithfulness in our lives, I’ll share experiences from the past two years. In 2022, my wife and I graduated college and married two weeks later. Our initial plan was to immediately enter the mission field, but God had a different path in mind. Feeling called to further my education, we decided for me to pursue a Master of Divinity. Though unexpected, we trusted God’s plan, and He provided more than we needed and was faithful even when we were not.

Our journey led us to Cave Spring, Virginia, where we’ve found a loving church home that has nurtured both our marriage and faith. God provided an apartment and part-time jobs, allowing me to focus on school while having enough to provide for our family. We have been surrounded by incredible neighbors and friends, including a couple from Iran, who have joined our small group that meets in our apartment. We’ve hosted friends from so many different backgrounds, such as refugees from Sudan and friends from India. These experiences, unimaginable without trusting God’s timing, have deepened our faith and broadened our perspective on ministry to those around us. Seek first the kingdom of God and let God do the rest.

Trusting in God to Move

So, back to our current life situation. How can we be so confident in God to provide? How can we live a life that is as anxiety-free as possible? I am reminded of this passage in Philippians chapter 4, where Paul says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” And another in 1 Peter 5, “Cast all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.” We have already seen God move, and we read that we can trust in Him to move again. We have the Living Word that comforts us to know that no matter what is thrown at us in life, God is still the same loving Father who takes care of His children. It just might not be the way we had planned it.

What’s to Come

I hope that this has been as encouraging to you as it has been for me to write this out and reflect on how God has and will move in our lives. Trust in the Lord, pray at all times (in plenty and in want), and follow where He leads you with confidence and boldness.

Hunter Bolton

Christ Follower, Husband, Father, Creative


New Beginnings: Navigating the Emotional Journey of Moving: (Pt. 2) During the Move