Hunter Bolton Hunter Bolton

Expecting, Yet Not Knowing What to Expect

Recently, my wife and I found out that we are expecting our first child. With this news, we were filled with a lot of joy. At the same time, however, we had just as many questions as we did praises.

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New Beginnings: Navigating the Emotional Journey of Moving: (Pt. 2) During the Move

In the six weeks leading up to our most recent move, we had a calendar plotting out the details of EVERY DAY. I called my brother during that window of time and asked for some advice. He had moved his family a few months prior. After hearing my plan for packing up, getting the moving truck halfway across the country, unpacking it, organizing our new home within a few hours, and then returning to VA to quickly turn around with the whole family, he encouraged me to SLOW DOWN.

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Family, Family Dynamics, Family Time, Parenting Brad Dalton Family, Family Dynamics, Family Time, Parenting Brad Dalton

Efficient Families Have More Fun

Over the past ten years, I have leaned deeper into my faith, confided in my wife, and utilized YouTube tutorials to find answers to most of those questions I called my dad for. Thankfully, my parents always pointed me toward Jesus and His sweet promises, which provided a constant source of wisdom through His Word and a central stabilizing force in my life.

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How Our Smartphones Leave Our Kids Behind

Last Saturday, my wife and I realized we were scrolling on our smartphones during family time with the kids. Is it fair that we can have immediate entertainment in the palm of our hands while our kids look to us for attention and entertainment? What if we ditched our phones for more engaging family time? Easier said than done.

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New Beginnings: Navigating the Emotional Journey of Moving (Pt. 1) Before the Move

Moving is more than just a physical transition; it’s an emotional and spiritual journey that requires thoughtful preparation and trust in God. Our recent move to Chicago taught us valuable lessons about prayer, family involvement, and the importance of saying meaningful goodbyes. Read on as I share insights and strategies to help you navigate your own move with grace and confidence.

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Vacation Jonathan Barrett, MD Vacation Jonathan Barrett, MD

Redefining Family Vacations

We often expect vacation to be a relaxing time away from work to mentally check out and rest physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Instead – family vacations are a special chance to lead, serve, and work in a different, potentially more strenuous way than the work week.

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